Creator Advanced Models train sets includes just a couple of sets, the 10219-1 Maersk Train and the 10194-1 Emerald Night. The followup theme, Creator Experts later released additional train models including the Crocodile Locomotive 10277-1.
Theme / Subtheme Advanced Models / Trains
Year 2011
Pieces / Minifigs 1,237 / 3
Availability Retired
10219 LEGO Maersk Train
Retail $119.99
Value $503.11
Growth  +319.3%
Annual growth 6.7%
Theme / Subtheme Advanced Models / Trains
Year 2009
Pieces / Minifigs 1,085 / 3
Availability Retired
10194 LEGO Trains Emerald Night
Retail $99.99
Value $726.78
Growth  +626.9%
Annual growth 16.2%