LEGO released the Alpha Team theme in 2001, based on the video game, and discontinued it in 2005. The theme centers on a team of secret agents stopping the villain Ogel. The first run, from 2001-2002, featured two subthemes: an unnamed urban set and Mission Deep Sea, each with vehicles for team members Dash Justice, Cam Attaway, Flex, Radia, Charge, Crunch, and Tee Vee. The theme paused in 2003, returning in 2004 with Mission Deep Freeze before being discontinued in 2005.
Mission Deep SeaMission Deep Sea, released in 2002, took the characters underwater with vehicles and mutant animals controlled by the villain Ogel. The Alpha Team's fleet included the Alpha Team Aquatic Mech, operated by Dash. Set 4795, Ogel Underwater Base and AT Sub, was the first to feature both heroes and villains.
Mission Deep FreezeIn 2004, LEGO revised Alpha Team with a new logo, updated character appearances, and replaced Cam and Crunch with Agents Arrow and Diamond Tooth. Vehicles gained an "Alpha Mode" feature for transformation without disassembly and a new color scheme of black, gray, white, sand blue, and transparent colors for details.
In 2005 the thme came to an end with release of two sets, set 4770 Blizzard Blaster and 4774 Scorpion Orb Launcher. The theme's story concluded with the main vehicles of the sets facing off, and left the outcome of the fight to the imagination. LEGO never revealed whether Ogel or Zed won the final battle, although it is widely accepted that Zed was victorious.