Hobby Set consists of 9 sets that ran from 1975 to 2003. Most sets were released in 1976 which accounted for 4 sets. As of today, the average annual growth of sets in Hobby Set is approximately 5.3% per year.
Most valuable LEGO Hobby Set set
398 USS Constellation $1,356.26
Highest growth Hobby Set set
390-2 1913 Cadillac +10661.33%
The Hobby Sets theme was an effort by LEGO to capture the attention of hobby shop buyers in the mind 1970s. Each of the Hobby Shop sets included enough pieces to build a miniture replica of each set. The initial run of the theme included 8 sets between 1975 and 1978 with one last set released in 2003. The first wave in 1975 was based on iconic cars, while the 1976 line included a train and two motorcycles including one past car.
Theme Hobby Set
Year 2003
Pieces 973
Availability Retired
10021 LEGO Hobby Set USS Constellation
Retail $59.99
Value $271.09
Growth  +351.9%
Annual growth 2.6%
Theme Hobby Set
Year 1978
Pieces 973
Availability Retired
398 LEGO Hobby Set USS Constellation
Retail $29.99
Value $1,356.26
Growth  +4422.4%
Annual growth 8.6%
Theme Hobby Set
Year 1976
Pieces 438
Availability Retired
396 LEGO Hobby Set Thatcher Perkins Locomotive
Retail $19.99
Value $255.78
Growth  +1179.5%
Annual growth 5.5%
Theme Hobby Set
Year 1976
Pieces 281
Availability Retired
395 LEGO Hobby Set 1909 Rolls-Royce
Retail $12.49
Value $732.07
Growth  +5761.2%
Annual growth 8.9%
Theme Hobby Set
Year 1976
Pieces 143
Availability Retired
394 LEGO Hobby Set Harley-Davidson 1000cc
Retail $9.99
Value $772.50
Growth  +7632.7%
Annual growth 9.5%
Theme Hobby Set
Year 1976
Pieces 133
Availability Retired
393 LEGO Hobby Set Norton Motorcycle
Retail $9.99
Value $355.61
Growth  +3459.7%
Annual growth 4.9%
Theme Hobby Set
Year 1975
Pieces 237
Availability Retired
391 LEGO Hobby Set 1926 Renault
Retail $12.49
Value $1,038.48
Growth  +8214.5%
Annual growth 7.5%
Theme Hobby Set
Year 1975
Pieces 200
Availability Retired
390-2 LEGO Hobby Set 1913 Cadillac
Retail $12.49
Value $1,344.09
Growth  +10661.3%
Annual growth 10.0%
Theme Hobby Set
Year 1975
Pieces 197
Availability Retired
392 LEGO Hobby Set Formula 1
Retail $12.49
Value $721.17
Growth  +5674.0%
Annual growth 5.0%