LEGO Mindstorms Star Wars, specifically known as the "Droid Developer Kit," was released in 1999 and combined the programmable robotics of LEGO Mindstorms with the beloved Star Wars universe. Set number 9748, the Droid Developer Kit, allowed users to build and program Star Wars droids. One of the most iconic builds from this set was a version of R2-D2. The kit used the RCX programmable brick (similar to other early Mindstorms sets) as the "brain" to control the droids and came with specific building instructions and programming tasks tailored to the Star Wars theme. It provided fans a unique blend of LEGO robotics and Star Wars creativity.
Theme / Subtheme Mindstorms / Star Wars
Year 2000
Pieces 578
Availability Retired
9754 LEGO Mindstorms Star Wars Dark Side Developer Kit
Retail $99.99
Value $221.51
Growth  +121.5%
Annual growth 3.4%
Theme / Subtheme Mindstorms / Star Wars
Year 1999
Pieces 657
Availability Retired
9748 LEGO Mindstorms Star Wars Droid Developer Kit
Retail $99.99
Value $168.99
Growth  +69.0%
Annual growth 1.5%