Ice Planet 2002 was a LEGO Space subtheme released in 1993 and released sets in two waves over a two year period before it was discontinued in 1994. A total of 10 sets were released. The Ice Planet 2002 story is based on a civilian space affiliation led by Commander Cold where they were conducting top secret research in rocket science on the hostile and icy setting of the ice planet Krysto.
1993 LEGO Sets
In 1993, LEGO navigated a transforming global toy landscape. This year marked the introduction of the LEGO Belville series, which was a departure from traditional sets, targeting a female audience with its detailed figures and scenarios. However, it was also a time of internal reflection for the company, as they realized their production was reaching its molding capacity. The challenge of balancing growing demand with production capabilities, paired with the ever-present need for innovation, set the stage for significant operational changes and expansions in the years that followed.