The LEGO City Farm theme, a subtheme of the broader LEGO City line, delves into the world of agriculture. Launched primarily in 2009, this theme brought to life the operations of a farm, featuring sets that encompassed tractors, barns, crop fields, and various farm animals. The sets offered a blend of rural life with LEGO City, which allowed for building scenes of harvesting, animal care, and farm management.
2009 LEGO Sets
In 2009, LEGO Star Wars celebrated its 10th Anniversary with the release of its 10th Anniversary sets. But even more important, LEGO celebrated its 50th anniversary of the LEGO Brick. A number of new themes were first introduced including BIONICLE Glatorian, Space Police III, Power Miners, Agents 2.0 and LEGO Pirates was re-introduced. Some themes that were retired in 2009 by LEGO included Mars Mission, the original and highly collectable Batman sets. Exo-Force and Belville where also discontinued in 2009.