The Architecture theme which was introduced in 2008 contains sets designed by Chicago architect Adam Reed Tucker based on real structures. Adam Reed Tucker's sets focus on incredible man-made sights and structures based upon the real world and comprised of microscale models. Unlike most LEGO, Architecture sets are typically not meant for playing but rather designed for display. The debut sets, released in 2008, were of two Chicagoan classics: Willis Tower, and John Hancock Center then New York City's Empire State Building, followed by Seattle’s Space Needle.
2012 LEGO Sets
In 2012, LEGO experienced a landmark year, particularly in licensed themes and brand expansion. One of the biggest announcements was the renewal of LEGO’s Star Wars license with Lucasfilm, ensuring that Star Wars sets would continue production until at least 2022. This solidified LEGO Star Wars as one of the company’s most successful and long-lasting themes.