In 2013, LEGO released 2 Marvel Super Heroes Ultimate Spider-Man sets, all of these sets have been retired. For that year, the total price of all retail sets cost $70, today those sets are valued around $203, a growth of 190%.
Most valuable 2013 LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Ultimate Spider-Man set
76005 Daily Bugle Showdown $167.02
Most owned 2013 Marvel Super Heroes Ultimate Spider-Man set
76004 Spider-Cycle Chase
Theme / Subtheme Marvel Super Heroes / Ultimate Spider-Man
Year 2013
Pieces / Minifigs 237 / 3
Availability Retired
76004 LEGO Ultimate Spider-Man Spider-Cycle Chase
Retail $19.99
Value $36.19
Growth  +81.0%
Annual growth 6.3%
Theme / Subtheme Marvel Super Heroes / Ultimate Spider-Man
Year 2013
Pieces / Minifigs 476 / 5
Availability Retired
76005 LEGO Ultimate Spider-Man Daily Bugle Showdown
Retail $49.99
Value $167.02
Growth  +234.1%
Annual growth 6.6%