In 2017, LEGO released 3 Marvel Super Heroes Mighty Micros sets, all of these sets have been retired. For that year, the total price of all retail sets cost $30, today those sets are valued around $70, a growth of 132%.
Most valuable 2017 LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Mighty Micros set
76073 Mighty Micros Wolverine vs. Magneto $25.44
Largest 2017 LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Mighty Micros set
76072 Mighty Micros Iron Man vs. Thanos 94 pieces
Theme / Subtheme Marvel Super Heroes / Mighty Micros
Year 2017
Pieces / Minifigs 79 / 2
Availability Retired
76071 LEGO Mighty Micros Spider-Man vs. Scorpion
Retail $9.99
Value $22.35
Growth  +123.7%
Annual growth 8.9%
Theme / Subtheme Marvel Super Heroes / Mighty Micros
Year 2017
Pieces / Minifigs 94 / 2
Availability Retired
76072 LEGO Mighty Micros Iron Man vs. Thanos
Retail $9.99
Value $21.78
Growth  +118.0%
Annual growth 6.2%
Theme / Subtheme Marvel Super Heroes / Mighty Micros
Year 2017
Pieces / Minifigs 85 / 2
Availability Retired
76073 LEGO Mighty Micros Wolverine vs. Magneto
Retail $9.99
Value $25.44
Growth  +154.7%
Annual growth 10.7%