The LEGO Monkie Kid Season 1 sets are based on the animated series inspired by the Chinese novel Journey to the West, focusing on a boy named Monkie Kid (MK) who discovers he's the reincarnation of the legendary Monkey King. Upon finding the Monkey King's staff, MK realizes his destiny to thwart the evil Demon Bull King and his forces. Guided by the Monkey King and joined by his friends, MK undertakes adventures to master his abilities, embrace his heritage, and defend his city, blending action, humor, and themes of friendship and growth throughout the season.
2020 LEGO Sets
Even with the Covid-19 pandemic seen around the world, we are happy to see the LEGO Group was able to satisfy the thirst of the many collectors worldwide and continued to produce some amazing and highly collectable sets. In fact, some of the best investments for the future are sets released in 2020 specifically seen in the Creator Expert and Ideas themes.