In 2021, LEGO released 2 DC Comics Super Heroes The Dark Knight Trilogy sets, all of these sets have been retired. For that year, the total price of all retail sets cost $310.
Most valuable 2021 DC Comics Super Heroes The Dark Knight Trilogy set
76240 Batmobile Tumbler $235.64
Highest growth 2021 The Dark Knight Trilogy set
76239 Batmobile Tumbler Scarecrow Showdown +12.53%
Theme / Subtheme DC Comics Super Heroes / The Dark Knight Trilogy
Year 2021
Pieces / Minifigs 422 / 2
Availability Retired
76239 LEGO The Dark Knight Trilogy Batmobile Tumbler Scarecrow Showdown
Retail $39.99
Value $45.00
Growth  +12.5%
Annual growth 6.1%
Theme / Subtheme DC Comics Super Heroes / The Dark Knight Trilogy
Year 2021
Pieces / Minifigs 2,049 / 2
Availability Retired
76240 LEGO The Dark Knight Trilogy Batmobile Tumbler
Retail $269.99
Value $235.64