Minifig Facts
Evil Wu, also known as Techno Wu, is a minifigure from the LEGO Ninjago series, specifically from the "Rebooted" season. He represents a corrupted version of Sensei Wu, having been transformed into a darker character due to the influence of the Overlord and his nindroid army. Evil Wu appears in the Nindroid MechDragon set, where he plays a role in the conflict between the ninja and the Overlord's forces. The minifigure features elements that distinguish him from the traditional Sensei Wu, incorporating techno and robotic design elements to reflect his altered state.
Common description: Evil Wu (Sensei Wu / Techno Wu) - Rebooted
Evil Wu Reviews
Is this LEGO Minifig a good investment?
“Evil Wu njo095 is currently one of the higher performing Sensei Wu minifigs, whereas the typical one is around $6. With an average 9.7% annual yearly increase, this is still rated as a solid investment.”
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