Minifig Value (New/Loose)

This represents the current value of the minifig Dragon Guitarist since 2021. High accuracy

For Sale (New/Loose)

eBay listings for vid046 Dragon Guitarist
(FR) BrickLink store BrickPlus
(US) BrickLink store H-Town Bricks
(AT) BrickLink store Alpine Bricks
(AT) BrickLink store A brick per day...
(AT) BrickLink store A brick per day...
(NL) BrickLink store Zaptoys Skaerbeak sale
(BE) BrickLink store yor_bricks
(NL) Put together and packet away in ziplock bags
Show 2 more listings

For Sale Ranges

This chart shows the sales listing trends of Dragon Guitarist.

Sales Distribution (Last 90 Days)

This chart shows the distribution of sales for the last 3 months of new/loose LEGO Dragon Guitarist.

Sale Trends

This chart shows the sales trends (number sold) of new/loose LEGO Dragon Guitarist.

Dragon Guitarist Appears in the Following LEGO Sets

Theme / Subtheme Vidiyo / Bandmates Series 2
Year 2021
Pieces / Minifigs 140 / 12
Availability Retired
43108-13 LEGO Vidiyo Bandmates Series 2 Complete Set
Retail $59.88
Value $153.70
Growth  +156.7%
Annual growth 20.6%
Theme / Subtheme Vidiyo / Bandmates Series 2
Year 2021
Pieces / Minifigs 13 / 1
Availability Retired
43108-4 LEGO Vidiyo Bandmates Series 2 Dragon Guitarist
Retail $4.99
Value $59.99
Growth  +1102.2%
Annual growth 38.4%