Set Value (New/Sealed)

This chart represents the current new/sealed value of the set Little People with Accessories since May 2015. Medium accuracy
LEGO 1066 Little People with Accessories was a 174 piece Dacta set with 36 minifigs released in 1982. The current value for a new, factory sealed Little People with Accessories is estimated to be around $3,032. Current used prices for Little People with Accessories range from $473 to $579, depending on the set's condition, with an average price of $482 for those in good overall condition.
Little People with Accessories has become a rare set, as set 1066-1 has not been available for sale online or in retail in new and good condition for over one year. The current value of this set might be slightly higher than our current estimate. The last brand new Little People with Accessories was sold on eBay.
There are currently no new/sealed listings available for Little People with Accessories at this time.
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Sets in Dacta / Town

Theme / Subtheme Dacta / Town
Year 1991
Pieces 924
Availability Retired
9353 LEGO Dacta Town Theme Set
Value $266.09
Theme / Subtheme Dacta / Town
Year 1986
Pieces / Minifigs 605 / 8
Availability Retired
9356 LEGO Dacta Town Environment
Value $331.85
Theme / Subtheme Dacta / Town
Year 1991
Pieces 496
Availability Retired
9354 LEGO Dacta Town Street Theme
Value $300.00
Theme / Subtheme Dacta / Town
Year 1985
Pieces / Minifigs 115 / 24
Availability Retired
1063 LEGO Dacta Town Community Workers
Value $3,945.60
Theme / Subtheme Dacta / Town
Year 1986
Pieces 85
Availability Retired
9360 LEGO Dacta Town Roadplates and Scenery
Theme / Subtheme Dacta / Town
Year 1991
Pieces / Minifigs 36 / 24
Availability Retired
9361 LEGO Dacta Town People
Value $381.68
Theme / Subtheme Dacta / Town
Year 1981
Pieces 30
Availability Retired
1060 LEGO Dacta Town Road Plates and Signs
Value $248.66
Theme / Subtheme Dacta / Town
Year 1998
Pieces 10
Availability Retired
9370 Dacta Town LEGO System Road Plates
Retail $39.99
Value $218.40
Growth  +446.1%
Annual growth 6.9%