Set Value (New/Sealed)

This chart represents the current new/sealed value of the set Bob's Big Building Box since May 2016. Very high accuracy
LEGO 3275 Bob's Big Building Box was a 51 piece Duplo set with 1 Duplo figure released in 2001. The set includes a building set with Bob the Builder with a suitcase. Today's value for a new, sealed Bob's Big Building Box is estimated around $91, with an average yearly gain of 5.2%, expected to level off to around 1.8% in the coming year. On the open market, a used set will sell in the range of $35 and $43, depending on its condition.

For Sale (New/Sealed)

(DE) New an sealed, but 1 of 2 seals already torn. Quite some shelf wear. Price sticker re... $92.20
(US) Amazon listing for Bob's Big Building Box ~$95.04

Sale Trends

This chart shows the sales trends (number sold) of new/sealed 3275 Bob's Big Building Box.

Duplo figures

Bob's Big Building Box contains 1 duplo figure. The duplo figure is also included in 6 other sets.

Sets in Duplo / Bob the Builder

Theme / Subtheme Duplo / Bob the Builder
Year 2001
Pieces / Duplo figures 52 / 4
Availability Retired
3276 LEGO Duplo Bob the Builder Muck and Scoop
Retail $29.99
Value $77.60
Growth  +158.8%
Annual growth 4.0%
Theme / Subtheme Duplo / Bob the Builder
Year 2001
Pieces / Duplo figures 35 / 1
Availability Retired
3274 LEGO Duplo Bob the Builder Bob and Muck Repair the Barn
Retail $14.99
Value $235.26
Growth  +1469.4%
Annual growth 6.4%
Theme / Subtheme Duplo / Bob the Builder
Year 2001
Pieces 21
Availability Retired
3272 LEGO Duplo Bob the Builder Scoop on the Road
Retail $9.99
Value $49.93
Growth  +399.8%
Annual growth 7.1%
Theme / Subtheme Duplo / Bob the Builder
Year 2001
Pieces / Duplo figures 18 / 1
Availability Retired
3273 LEGO Duplo Bob the Builder Bob, Lofty and the Mice
Retail $14.99
Value $81.14
Growth  +441.3%
Annual growth 7.6%
Theme / Subtheme Duplo / Bob the Builder
Year 2001
Pieces / Duplo figures 10 / 1
Availability Retired
3271 LEGO Duplo Bob the Builder Bob's Workshop
Retail $5.99
Value $26.27
Growth  +338.6%
Annual growth 6.1%
Active construction play inspired by the television series! Let your child experience Bob the Builder's world of team work, empowerment and accomplishment through hands-on problem solving and creative play!
Description provided by LEGO©