Set Value (New/Sealed)

This chart represents the current new/sealed value of the set Spencer and Sir Topham Hatt since May 2016. Very high accuracy
LEGO 3353 Spencer and Sir Topham Hatt was a 45 piece Duplo set with 1 Duplo figure released in 2007. It features Spencer the train, Sir Topham Hatt minifigure, 12 pieces of track, signal house, and tunnel entrance.

It was retired in April 2009 with a lifespan of 18 months. The current value for a new and sealed Spencer and Sir Topham Hatt is estimated at $140, with an average annual growth of approximately 4%, which is lower than other Thomas and Friends sets. On the open market, a used set will sell in the range of $32 and $46, depending on its condition.

For Sale (New/Sealed)

(US) eBay listings for Spencer and Sir Topham Hatt $135.64
(US) Amazon listing for Spencer and Sir Topham Hatt $146.83
(US) BrickLink store BrickTraveler $175.00

For Sale (Used)

(US) Used - Duplo Set 3353 Thomas & Friends - Spencer And Sir Topham Hatt Complete
(US) Used - Duplo Set 3353 Thomas & Friends - Spencer And Sir Topham Hatt Complete
(US) Used - Duplo Set 3353 Thomas & Friends - Spencer And Sir Topham Hatt Train Set
(CA) Used - 100% complete set - no box or instructions $38.25

Sale Trends

This chart shows the sales trends (number sold) of new/sealed 3353 Spencer and Sir Topham Hatt.

Duplo figures

Spencer and Sir Topham Hatt contains the following duplo figures. The duplo figure is exclusive to this set.

Sets in Duplo / Thomas and Friends

Theme / Subtheme Duplo / Thomas and Friends
Year 2008
Pieces / Duplo figures 82 / 1
Availability Retired
5544 LEGO Duplo Thomas and Friends Thomas Starter Set
Retail $49.99
Value $238.76
Growth  +377.6%
Annual growth 11.2%
Theme / Subtheme Duplo / Thomas and Friends
Year 2005
Pieces / Duplo figures 61 / 2
Availability Retired
5554 LEGO Duplo Thomas and Friends Thomas Load and Carry Train Set
Retail $29.99
Value $160.58
Growth  +435.4%
Annual growth 11.1%
Theme / Subtheme Duplo / Thomas and Friends
Year 2006
Pieces / Duplo figures 34 / 2
Availability Retired
3301 LEGO Duplo Thomas and Friends Cranky-Loading Crane
Retail $19.99
Value $104.00
Growth  +420.3%
Annual growth 8.2%
Theme / Subtheme Duplo / Thomas and Friends
Year 2008
Pieces / Duplo figures 34 / 1
Availability Retired
5543 LEGO Duplo Thomas and Friends Percy at the Sheds
Retail $19.99
Value $171.71
Growth  +759.0%
Annual growth 7.6%
Theme / Subtheme Duplo / Thomas and Friends
Year 2009
Pieces / Duplo figures 34 / 2
Availability Retired
5547 LEGO Duplo Thomas and Friends James Celebrates Sodor Day
Retail $29.99
Value $221.67
Growth  +639.1%
Annual growth 9.1%
Theme / Subtheme Duplo / Thomas and Friends
Year 2005
Pieces / Duplo figures 32 / 1
Availability Retired
5552 LEGO Duplo Thomas and Friends James at Knapford Station
Retail $19.99
Value $260.15
Growth  +1201.4%
Annual growth 7.5%
Theme / Subtheme Duplo / Thomas and Friends
Year 2009
Pieces / Duplo figures 22 / 1
Availability Retired
5546 LEGO Duplo Thomas and Friends Thomas at Morgan's Mine
Retail $29.99
Value $130.00
Growth  +333.5%
Annual growth 11.2%
Theme / Subtheme Duplo / Thomas and Friends
Year 2009
Pieces / Duplo figures 19 / 1
Availability Retired
5545 LEGO Duplo Thomas and Friends Stanley at Great Waterton
Retail $19.99
Value $98.48
Growth  +392.6%
Annual growth 7.7%
Theme / Subtheme Duplo / Thomas and Friends
Year 2005
Pieces / Duplo figures 18 / 1
Availability Retired
5555 LEGO Duplo Thomas and Friends Toby at Wellsworth Station
Retail $14.99
Value $169.89
Growth  +1033.4%
Annual growth 6.4%
Theme / Subtheme Duplo / Thomas and Friends
Year 2005
Pieces / Duplo figures 15 / 1
Availability Retired
5556 LEGO Duplo Thomas and Friends Percy at the Water Tower
Retail $9.99
Value $186.35
Growth  +1765.4%
Annual growth 8.6%
Theme / Subtheme Duplo / Thomas and Friends
Year 2007
Pieces / Duplo figures 13 / 1
Availability Retired
3354 LEGO Duplo Thomas and Friends Gordon's Express
Retail $19.99
Value $124.97
Growth  +525.2%
Annual growth 12.0%
Theme / Subtheme Duplo / Thomas and Friends
Year 2007
Pieces / Duplo figures 8 / 1
Availability Retired
3352 LEGO Duplo Thomas and Friends Salty the Dockyard Diesel
Retail $12.99
Value $142.31
Growth  +995.5%
Annual growth 9.6%
Theme / Subtheme Duplo / Thomas and Friends
Year 2006
Pieces / Duplo figures 7 / 1
Availability Retired
3300 LEGO Duplo Thomas and Friends Harold the Helicopter
Retail $9.99
Value $128.46
Growth  +1185.9%
Annual growth 8.1%
It's Sir Topham Hatt and Spencer!
Straight from the Island of Sodor comes Spencer the speedy train and the famous Sir Topham Hatt! Whenever Sir Topham Hatt needs a really fast train, he calls for Spencer as he can drive to anywhere on the island in no time at all. Includes Spencer, Sir Topham Hatt, 12 pieces of track, signal house and tunnel entrance!
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