Set Value (New/Sealed)

This chart represents the current new/sealed value of the set Fox since November 2016. Very high accuracy
40218 Fox was a monthly mini model build set released in 2016. Fox was the November 2016 Monthly Mini Model Build. It was given away to VIP Members who took part in the build event at LEGO Stores between November 1 and 2.

The value for a new, factory-sealed Fox is currently estimated at around $6. Fox can be found for sale on secondary markets at a price range between $4 and $7. On the open market, a used set will sell in the range of $4 and $5, depending on its condition.

For Sale (New/Sealed)

(US) BrickLink store FireHouse Bricks $6.00
(GB) Fox Monthly Mini Model Build Set Wild Animal Dog Poly Bag Party 40218 $7.99
(TR) Promotional Fox (40218) $9.50
(DE) 40218 - Monthly Store Build - Fox Polybag $10.31

For Sale (Used)

(DE) Used - --new sealed $4.11
(US) Used - eBay listings for 40218 Fox $4.10
(DE) Used - --new sealed $4.14
(DE) Used - --new sealed $4.14
(DE) Used - --new sealed $4.18
(DE) Used - --new sealed $4.21

Sales Distribution (Last 90 Days)

This chart shows the distribution of sales for the last 3 months of new/sealed 40218 Fox.

Sale Trends

This chart shows the sales trends (number sold) of new/sealed 40218 Fox.

Sets in Promotional / Monthly Mini Model Build

Year 2016
Availability Retired
40208 LEGO Monthly Mini Model Build Polar Bear
Value $7.98
Annual growth 3.1%
Year 2016
Availability Retired
40209 LEGO Monthly Mini Model Build Snowmobile
Value $3.64
Annual growth 9.2%
Year 2016
Availability Retired
40210 LEGO Monthly Mini Model Build Bunny
Value $7.24
Annual growth 10.5%
Year 2016
Availability Retired
40211 LEGO Monthly Mini Model Build Bee
Value $7.96
Annual growth 10.7%
Year 2016
Availability Retired
40212 LEGO Monthly Mini Model Build Hedgehog
Value $7.39
Annual growth 2.1%
Year 2016
Availability Retired
40213 LEGO Monthly Mini Model Build Seaplane
Value $4.69
Annual growth 3.3%
Year 2016
Availability Retired
40214 LEGO Monthly Mini Model Build Frog
Value $8.69
Annual growth 1.2%
Year 2016
Availability Retired
40215 LEGO Monthly Mini Model Build Apple
Value $6.27
Annual growth 10.6%
Year 2016
Availability Retired
40216 LEGO Monthly Mini Model Build School Bus
Value $7.64
Annual growth 2.2%
Year 2016
Availability Retired
40217 LEGO Monthly Mini Model Build Werewolf
Value $4.96
Annual growth 18.0%
Year 2016
Availability Retired
40219 LEGO Monthly Mini Model Build Christmas Present
Value $6.87
Annual growth 1.8%