Set Value (New/Sealed)

This chart represents the current new/sealed value of the set Creative Designer Box since December 2022. Very high accuracy
LEGO 41938 Creative Designer Box was a 779 piece Dots set released in 2021. It consists of a desk organizer, 2-level standing drawers, hanging message board, picture frame, small tray, colored and alphabet tiles, a creative inspiration magazine, and online instructions for various room decor items.

It was retired in December 2022 with a lifespan of 18 months. The current value for a new and sealed Creative Designer Box is estimated at $44, with an average annual growth of approximately 5%. On secondary markets, the typical price range for the set MISB/NISB is between $43 and $75. Current used prices for Creative Designer Box range from $36 to $41, depending on the set's condition, with an average price of $37 for those in good overall condition.

For Sale (New/Sealed)

(US) DOTS: Creative Designer Box (41938)
BrickEconomy Choice
(US) DOTS Creative Designer Box 41938 DIY Craft Decoration Kit $35.00
(US) DOTS Creative Designer Box 41938 DIY Craft Decoration Kit Complete New $35.62
(AU) DOTS 41938 Creative Designer Box 849 Pieces (Brand NEW) Toy Christmas $35.90
(CA) 41938 DOTS Creative Designer Box Creative Building Set 779 Piece 7+ Sealed $37.61
(CA) DOTS 41938 Creative Designer Box 849 Pieces (Brand NEW) Toy Christmas $38.31
(US) DOTS Creative Designer Box 41938 DIY Craft Decoration Kit New $39.99
(US) BrickLink store Brickman11 $40.00
(CA) Sealed box in nice condition minimal shelfwear. NO added PayPal or BrickLink fees. $41.66
(UK) BrickLink store South West Bricks UK $42.54
(US) BrickLink store Ben's Brickstore $42.95
(US) New In Sealed Box $43.19
(AU) DOTS - Creative Designer Box - 41938 - BNISB - AU Seller $43.31
(HK) BrickLink store Funny_bricks $44.96
Show 11 more listings

Sales Distribution (Last 90 Days)

This chart shows the distribution of sales for the last 3 months of new/sealed 41938 Creative Designer Box.

Sale Trends

This chart shows the sales trends (number sold) of new/sealed 41938 Creative Designer Box.

Sets in Dots / Miscellaneous

Theme / Subtheme Dots / Miscellaneous
Year 2021
Pieces 1,040
Availability Retired
41935 LEGO Lots of DOTS
Retail $19.99
Value $38.42
Growth  +92.2%
Annual growth 17.7%
Theme / Subtheme Dots / Miscellaneous
Year 2022
Pieces 707
Availability Retail
41962 LEGO Dots Unicorn Creative Family Pack
Retail $39.99
Available at retail
Theme / Subtheme Dots / Miscellaneous
Year 2022
Availability Retired
5007220 LEGO Dots Craft Tape
Value $19.17
Annual growth 27.9%
This ultimate LEGO® DOTS Creative Designer Box (41938) set is a perfect kit for crafts fans or creative kids, helping them grow their crafting and design skills and confidence with different pieces.

Open-ended DIY fun
This set includes a magazine full of creative inspiration, loads of instructions available online at for making different room decor items, plus assembly guides for 5 customizable DOTS items in the magazine – a desk organizer, 2-level standing drawers, hanging message board, picture frame and a small tray. Kids can use the colored and alphabet tiles to create designs and messages on the pieces or push their creativity with an Extra DOTS – Series 5 (41932) bag or Lots of DOTS (41935) box (sold separately).
Description provided by LEGO©