The LEGO Disney Raya and the Last Dragon subtheme, released in 2021, includes sets inspired by the Disney animated film "Raya and the Last Dragon." Key sets in this subtheme are "43181 Raya and the Heart Palace," "43184 Raya and Sisu Dragon," and "43185 Boun's Boat." These sets feature main characters such as Raya, Sisu the dragon, and other significant figures, along with detailed builds of important locations from the film, like the Heart Palace and Boun's boat, capturing the adventurous spirit and intricate world of Kumandra.
Raya and the Last Dragon was introduced in 2021 and currently consists of 4 sets. As of today,
43181 Raya and the Heart Palace is the most valuable Raya and the Last Dragon set with an estimated new/factory sealed value of $81.
Disney Raya and the Last Dragon Raya and the Heart Palace set 43181 was released in March 2021, retailing for $80, but has since been retired. New, unopened Raya and the Heart Palace sets are valued at $81, while used sets can be found for $60.
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