Set Value (New/Sealed)

This chart represents the current new/sealed value of the set Brick Separator since June 2016. Very high accuracy
LEGO 630-3 Brick Separator was a Bricks and More set released in 2011. The current value for a new and sealed Brick Separator is estimated at $5, with an average annual growth of approximately 7%, which is higher than other Accessories sets. On secondary markets, the typical price range for the set MISB/NISB is between $4 and $6. On the open market, a used set will sell in the range of $4 and $4, depending on its condition.

For Sale (New/Sealed)

(FR) BrickLink store spaceshop91 $4.07
(US) Lot Of 2 Lego Parts 630 Classic Brick Separator Orange Brand New Toys
BrickEconomy Choice
(US) 630-3 Classic Orange Brick Seperator Pack of 2 $8.00

Sales Distribution (Last 90 Days)

This chart shows the distribution of sales for the last 3 months of new/sealed 630-3 Brick Separator.

Sale Trends

This chart shows the sales trends (number sold) of new/sealed 630-3 Brick Separator.

More sets in Bricks and More

Year 2011
Pieces / Minifigs 704 / 2
Availability Retired
6053 My First LEGO Town
Retail $40.99
Value $62.04
Growth  +51.4%
Annual growth 3.5%
Year 2011
Pieces 650
Availability Retired
5749 LEGO Creative Building Kit
Retail $24.99
Value $52.53
Growth  +110.2%
Annual growth 6.3%
Year 2011
Pieces / Minifigs 645 / 1
Availability Retired
6131 LEGO Build and Play
Retail $39.99
Value $74.54
Growth  +86.4%
Annual growth 4.9%
Year 2012
Pieces 600
Availability Retired
4628 LEGO Fun With Bricks
Retail $29.99
Value $36.63
Growth  +22.1%
Annual growth 2.3%
Year 2012
Pieces / Minifigs 525 / 2
Availability Retired
4635 LEGO Fun With Vehicles
Retail $29.99
Value $44.81
Growth  +49.4%
Annual growth 5.4%
Year 2011
Pieces / Minifigs 310 / 2
Availability Retired
5933 LEGO Airport Building Set
Retail $19.99
Value $48.14
Growth  +140.8%
Annual growth 3.9%
Year 2012
Pieces / Minifigs 232 / 1
Availability Retired
4626 LEGO Farm Brick Box
Retail $14.99
Value $38.61
Growth  +157.6%
Annual growth 4.3%
Year 2011
Pieces / Minifigs 231 / 1
Availability Retired
5932 My First LEGO Set
Retail $14.99
Value $31.84
Growth  +112.4%
Annual growth 7.6%
Year 2012
Pieces / Minifigs 224 / 1
Availability Retired
4625 LEGO Pink Brick Box
Retail $14.99
Value $104.88
Growth  +599.7%
Annual growth 10.5%
Year 2012
Pieces / Minifigs 152 / 2
Availability Retired
4637 LEGO Safari Building Set
Retail $9.99
Value $15.10
Growth  +51.2%
Annual growth 6.8%
Year 2011
Pieces / Minifigs 144 / 1
Availability Retired
5929 LEGO Knight and Castle Building Set
Retail $9.99
Value $28.58
Growth  +186.1%
Annual growth 8.6%
Year 2012
Pieces / Minifigs 130 / 2
Availability Retired
4636 LEGO Police Building Set
Retail $9.99
Value $15.33
Growth  +53.5%
Annual growth 4.4%
Year 2011
Pieces / Minifigs 121 / 1
Availability Retired
5930 LEGO Road Construction Building Set
Retail $9.99
Value $17.10
Growth  +71.2%
Annual growth 10.4%
This tool makes it a snap to pull those small plates apart.
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