Set Facts
- It was a Target exclusive set.
- This value pack consists of 5 sets (60106 Fire Starter Set, 60100 Airport Starter Set, 60157 Jungle Starter Set, 60163 Coast Guard Starter Set and 60136 Police Starter Set) and in total includes 415 pieces and 18 minifigs.
Regional Retail Prices (
Subtheme Analysis
Annual growth
+5.33% (this set +3.16%)
This set's annual growth (CAGR) vs. subtheme
Community Stats
Ultimate LEGO City Hero Pack currently ranks #22 out of the top most owned sets in City Value Packs.
About City Value Packs
LEGO City Value Packs, also called Bonus Packs, are bundles that contain several LEGO sets in one offer. Typically, these contained sets are not available in retail with the main selling points of Value Packs is the inclusion of an exclusive model and a lower price when compared to individual purchases of the same sets.
Value Packs was introduced in 2005 and currently consists of 107 sets. As of today,
66325 City Super Pack 4 in 1 is the most valuable Value Packs set with an estimated new/factory sealed value of $844.
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Become the hero of LEGO® City with the Target exclusive Ultimate LEGO® City Hero Pack! Featuring starter sets from across LEGO City, including the LEGO City Fire (60106), Airport (60100), Jungle (60157), Coast Guard (60163) and Police (60136) themes, you can save the day in tons of imaginative ways. Build vehicles for land, air and sea to catch crooks, explore the unknown, and rescue and help the citizens of LEGO City. Create exciting stories and hours of fun!
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