Set Value (New/Sealed)

This chart represents the current new/sealed value of the set Preston Stormer since April 2016. Very high accuracy
LEGO 7164 Preston Stormer was a 17 piece HERO Factory set released in 2010. It was retired in August 2011 with a lifespan of 13 months. Today's value for a new, sealed Preston Stormer is estimated around $150, with an average yearly gain of 9.3%, expected to level off to around 8.9% in the coming year. On the open market, a used set will sell in the range of $5 and $8, depending on its condition.

For Sale (New/Sealed)

There are currently no new/sealed listings available for 7164 Preston Stormer at this time.

For Sale (Used)

(BE) Used - builded hero // no instructions // no box $5.83
(US) Used - eBay listings for 7164 Preston Stormer ~$5.99
(UK) Used - Complete but no box or instructions $6.05
(CH) Used - 100% Complete, No instructions, No Box $6.44
(BE) Used - With instructions $6.66
(CA) Used - 100% complete, no instructions and no box. $7.00

Sale Trends

This chart shows the sales trends (number sold) of new/sealed 7164 Preston Stormer.

More sets in HERO Factory

Year 2010
Pieces 390
Availability Retired
7160 LEGO HERO Factory Drop Ship
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Value $109.12
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Year 2010
Pieces 165
Availability Retired
7158 LEGO HERO Factory Furno Bike
Retail $29.99
Value $198.45
Growth  +561.7%
Annual growth 10.2%
Year 2010
Pieces 156
Availability Retired
7145 LEGO HERO Factory Von Nebula
Retail $19.99
Value $96.63
Growth  +383.4%
Annual growth 8.2%
Year 2010
Pieces 145
Availability Retired
7162 LEGO HERO Factory Rotor
Retail $19.99
Value $64.33
Growth  +221.8%
Annual growth 6.6%
Year 2010
Pieces 89
Availability Retired
7179 LEGO HERO Factory Duncan Bulk and Vapour
Retail $24.99
Value $128.93
Growth  +415.9%
Annual growth 13.1%
Year 2010
Pieces 50
Availability Retired
7148 LEGO HERO Factory Meltdown
Retail $12.99
Value $129.70
Growth  +898.5%
Annual growth 10.4%
Year 2010
Pieces 47
Availability Retired
7157 LEGO HERO Factory Thunder
Retail $12.99
Value $47.19
Growth  +263.3%
Annual growth 4.8%
Year 2010
Pieces 45
Availability Retired
7147 LEGO HERO Factory XPlode
Retail $12.99
Value $46.14
Growth  +255.2%
Annual growth 6.5%
Year 2010
Pieces 40
Availability Retired
7156 LEGO HERO Factory Corroder
Retail $12.99
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Growth  +193.3%
Annual growth 5.1%
Year 2010
Pieces 19
Availability Retired
7165 LEGO HERO Factory Natalie Breez
Retail $7.99
Value $62.28
Growth  +679.5%
Annual growth 11.6%
Year 2010
Pieces 19
Availability Retired
7167 LEGO HERO Factory William Furno
Retail $7.99
Value $71.63
Growth  +796.5%
Annual growth 10.4%
Year 2010
Pieces 19
Availability Retired
7169 LEGO HERO Factory Mark Surge
Retail $7.99
Value $103.23
Growth  +1192.0%
Annual growth 12.7%
Year 2010
Pieces 17
Availability Retired
7168 LEGO HERO Factory Duncan Bulk
Retail $7.99
Value $94.99
Growth  +1088.9%
Annual growth 11.5%
Year 2010
Pieces 17
Availability Retired
7170-2 LEGO HERO Factory Jimi Stringer
Retail $7.99
Value $75.71
Growth  +847.6%
Annual growth 10.4%
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Lead the Alpha team to save New Stellac City!

The fearless leader of the LEGO® HERO FACTORY’s® Alpha team, Preston Stormer is the tough, brave veteran of his posse. With more missions completed than any other Alpha team hero, Stormer is a proud and competitive warrior. Use his ice weapon for multiple functions like ice sawing, and harpooning.

Leader of the LEGO HERO FACTORY Alpha team
Stormer’s multi-functional ice weapon features an ice saw, bot shooter and harpoon
Equipped with removable hero core, high-tech ice armor and command helmet with camera and communications headset
Description provided by LEGO©