Is this LEGO set a good investment?
“As an investment, Onewa has performed well in the Toa Metru theme with an overall growth since retirement of around 1196%.”
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“This is the third brown Toa of Stone BIONICLE set produced, though he came before the first two in the storyline. His mask is the Kanohi Komau, the mask of mind control. Turning the gear on his back will cause his arms to rotate.”
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“As the title implies, I have a sort of bias regarding Constraction, which becomes a moot point since this figure came before my Bionicle phase. Even with this clean slate, I still have nothing but good things to say about Onewa! Well, except maybe the possibility of his... More "Proto Pitons" becoming warped. Still, tender love and care can prevent that. One thing I've observed is that a number of factors give him a mountain climber-esque feel: The general shape of his Kanohi mask, the aforementioned Pitons, and, of course, the fact that he's the Toa of Stone. Would definitely recommend picking up if the price is right.”
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“By turning a knob in Onewa's back, his Proto Pitons will swing up and down. The Proto Pitons could also attach to pins on Onewa's back for storage. By combining pieces from Toa Onewa with 8601 Toa Vakama and 8605 Toa Matau, one can build the Kralhi.”