Set PricingExtremely Rare
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Kraft Velveeta Mini-Wheel Model Maker Set 9 currently ranks #5 out of the top most owned sets in Samsonite Kraft Velveeta.
About Samsonite Kraft Velveeta
This was a promotional Samsonite Model Maker series that was promoted by the Kraft company with the purchase of Velveeta cheeses. On the box consumers could purchase any one of ten different Samsonite Model Maker sets at a discount with the end flap of the Velveeta box. The promotion was available in the US only.
Kraft Velveeta was introduced in 1971 and currently consists of 10 sets. As of today,
5-5 Kraft Velveeta Mini-Wheel Model Maker Set 5 is the most valuable Kraft Velveeta set with an estimated new/factory sealed value of $478.
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A jumbo set of 550 pieces including 8 small wheels, 4 windows, a trailer hitch, and door. Builds large houses, trucks, animals - almost anything you can imagine. A truly deluxe set for lots of fun.
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