LEGO Ninjago, also known as Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu, theme was introduced in 2011 and included sets that are based off of original storylines, a TV series and The LEGO Ninjago Movie, a movie based on the theme. The main premise of the Ninjago universe is based around six teenage Ninja, Kai, Jay, Cole, Zane, Nya, and Lloyd, who have been trained by their master Sensei Wu, fighting forces of evil to protect the land of Ninjago. The ninjas use a LEGO inspired fighting style known as Spinjitzu where the fighters spin around and draw on their elemental strengths to become tornadoes of energy and each of the main protagonist characters is aligned to a particular element.
2013 LEGO Sets
2013 included a number of notable theme releases including the Legends of Chima, The Lone Ranger, Galaxy Squad, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Jake and the Never Land Pirates and Mickey Mouse & Friends. The flagship release was Legends of Chima with the coincided premier of The Legends of Chima TV Show on Cartoon Network. However, LEGO unfortunately did retire a number of well-loved themes such as Monster Fighters, SpongeBob SquarePants, Cars and Dino. One interesting note is that in 2013, LEGO started changing from 4-digit set numbers to 5-digit set numbers. 2013 was also the year that LEGO release the exclusive Mr. Gold in its collectable minifigures blind bags. This event single handled created one of the greatest investment opportunities for collections LEGO has seen.