The LEGO Juniors Friends sets, designed for younger builders, feature simplified builds centered around the adventures and daily life in Heartlake City. Notable sets include 10727 Emma's Ice Cream Truck (2016), featuring an ice cream truck, Emma mini-doll, and various ice cream accessories; 10740 Fire Patrol Suitcase (2017), which includes a fire station, fire truck, and fire-fighting equipment; 10748 Stephanie's Pet Patrol (2018), featuring a vehicle for pet rescue, Stephanie mini-doll, and pet accessories; and 10749 Mia's Organic Food Market (2018), which includes a market stall, Mia mini-doll, and various fruits and vegetables. These sets are designed to be easy to build and offer engaging play experiences with the popular Friends characters.
2017 LEGO Sets
2017 was a big year for the LEGO movies with the release of The LEGO Batman Movie and The LEGO Ninjago Movie. With these films LEGO gave us a number of new sets and themes around these movies, with many of them already being significant investments for collectors. We also saw a number of new themes released that year including BrickHeadz, DC Super Hero Girls, Boost and of course sets for The LEGO Batman and The LEGO Ninjago movies. However, sadly as it is LEGo did retire the much beloved BIONICLE and Mixels themes as well as the short-lived The Angry Birds Movie theme.