Set Value (New/Sealed)

This chart represents the current new/sealed value of the set Republic Dropship with AT-OT Walker since August 2020. Very high accuracy
LEGO 10195 Republic Dropship with AT-OT Walker was a 1,758 piece Star Wars exclusive set with 8 minifigs released in 2009. It features a dropship with an opening cockpit, auto-firing missiles, and a handle, an AT-OT with poseable legs, and minifigures including Clone Pilot and Clone Trooper Clone Wars.

It was retired in November 2011 with a lifespan of 32 months. Today's value for a new, sealed Republic Dropship with AT-OT Walker is estimated around $2,142, with an average yearly gain of 7.4%, expected to level off to around 6.5% in the coming year. On secondary markets, the typical price range for the set MISB/NISB is between $1,974 and $2,581. On the open market, a used set will sell in the range of $800 and $1,061, depending on its condition.

For Sale (New/Sealed)

(US) *** Best US listing for Republic Dropship with AT-OT Walker ***
BrickEconomy Choice
(AU) Star Wars Republic Dropship with AT-OT Walker 10195 (New Sealed) $1,821.40
(KR) Star Wars: Republic Dropship with AT-OT Walker (10195) $1,865.00
(US) Star Wars: Republic Dropship with AT-OT Walker (10195) NEW SEALED IN BOX $1,899.99
(US) Star Wars: Republic Dropship with AT-OT Walker (10195) $1,950.00
(US) Star Wars: Republic Dropship with AT-OT Walker (10195) NEW SEALED IN BOX $1,999.00
(KR) Star Wars 10195 Republic Dropship & AT-OT Walker 2009 Set, New & Sealed $2,200.00
(US) Star Wars Republic Dropship with AT-OT Walker Set 10195 - 100% Verified Authentic and... $2,218.00
(US) Amazon listing for Republic Dropship with AT-OT Walker $2,249.60
(US) BrickLink store Sofia's Bricks Cafe $2,299.00
(US) NISB $2,325.00
(US) Star Wars: Republic Dropship with AT-OT Walker (10195) - FACTORY SEALED $2,340.00
(US) BrickLink store CAN'T RESIST BRICK $2,399.99
(JP) Star Wars 10195 Republic Dropship w AT-OT Walker Equipped Republic Dropship $2,477.06
Show 19 more listings

Sales Distribution (Last 90 Days)

This chart shows the distribution of sales for the last 3 months of new/sealed 10195 Republic Dropship with AT-OT Walker.

Sale Trends

This chart shows the sales trends (number sold) of new/sealed 10195 Republic Dropship with AT-OT Walker.


Republic Dropship with AT-OT Walker contains the following minifigs.

Related Sets

Theme / Subtheme Star Wars / The Clone Wars
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Pieces / Minifigs 1,141 / 6
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8098 LEGO Star Wars The Clone Wars Clone Turbo Tank
Retail $119.99
Value $456.40
Growth  +280.4%
Annual growth 7.5%

Sets in Star Wars / The Clone Wars

Theme / Subtheme Star Wars / The Clone Wars
Year 2009
Pieces / Minifigs 1,170 / 5
Availability Retired
8039 LEGO Star Wars The Clone Wars Venator-Class Republic Attack Cruiser
Retail $119.99
Value $650.00
Growth  +441.7%
Annual growth 12.7%
Theme / Subtheme Star Wars / The Clone Wars
Year 2009
Pieces / Minifigs 636 / 3
Availability Retired
8019 LEGO Star Wars The Clone Wars Republic Attack Shuttle
Retail $59.99
Value $360.62
Growth  +501.1%
Annual growth 10.5%
Theme / Subtheme Star Wars / The Clone Wars
Year 2009
Pieces / Minifigs 570 / 3
Availability Retired
8037 LEGO Star Wars The Clone Wars Anakin's Y-wing Starfighter
Retail $59.99
Value $282.13
Growth  +370.3%
Annual growth 8.7%
Theme / Subtheme Star Wars / The Clone Wars
Year 2009
Pieces / Minifigs 407 / 7
Availability Retired
8018 LEGO Star Wars The Clone Wars Armored Assault Tank
Retail $49.99
Value $247.42
Growth  +394.9%
Annual growth 5.9%
Theme / Subtheme Star Wars / The Clone Wars
Year 2009
Pieces / Minifigs 385 / 4
Availability Retired
7752 LEGO Star Wars The Clone Wars Count Dooku's Solar Sailer
Retail $54.99
Value $282.05
Growth  +412.9%
Annual growth 12.4%
Theme / Subtheme Star Wars / The Clone Wars
Year 2009
Pieces / Minifigs 372 / 3
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7753 LEGO Star Wars The Clone Wars Pirate Tank
Retail $39.99
Value $168.00
Growth  +320.1%
Annual growth 10.2%
Theme / Subtheme Star Wars / The Clone Wars
Year 2009
Pieces / Minifigs 291 / 4
Availability Retired
7751 LEGO Star Wars The Clone Wars Ahsoka's Starfighter and Droids
Retail $39.99
Value $291.93
Growth  +630.0%
Annual growth 8.9%
Theme / Subtheme Star Wars / The Clone Wars
Year 2009
Pieces / Minifigs 259 / 5
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Retail $29.99
Value $139.98
Growth  +366.8%
Annual growth 7.8%
Theme / Subtheme Star Wars / The Clone Wars
Year 2009
Pieces / Minifigs 232 / 3
Availability Retired
8016 LEGO Star Wars The Clone Wars Hyena Droid Bomber
Retail $19.99
Value $120.77
Growth  +504.2%
Annual growth 10.2%
Theme / Subtheme Star Wars / The Clone Wars
Year 2009
Pieces / Minifigs 216 / 4
Availability Retired
7748 LEGO Star Wars The Clone Wars Corporate Alliance Tank Droid
Retail $24.99
Value $129.99
Growth  +420.2%
Annual growth 11.1%
Theme / Subtheme Star Wars / The Clone Wars
Year 2009
Pieces 99
Availability Retired
20010 LEGO Star Wars The Clone Wars Republic Gunship
Retail $4.99
Value $33.64
Growth  +574.1%
Annual growth 7.3%
Theme / Subtheme Star Wars / The Clone Wars
Year 2009
Pieces 94
Availability Retired
20009 LEGO Star Wars The Clone Wars AT-TE Walker
Retail $4.99
Value $34.99
Growth  +601.2%
Annual growth 8.4%
Theme / Subtheme Star Wars / The Clone Wars
Year 2009
Pieces / Minifigs 94 / 5
Availability Retired
8015 LEGO Star Wars The Clone Wars Assassin Droids Battle Pack
Retail $11.99
Value $45.42
Growth  +278.8%
Annual growth 8.7%
Theme / Subtheme Star Wars / The Clone Wars
Year 2009
Pieces 94
Availability Retired
LEGO Star Wars The Clone Wars San Diego Comic-Con 2009 Mini Republic Dropship Mini AT-TE
Retail $49.99
Value $1,756.59
Growth  +3413.9%
Annual growth 16.9%
Theme / Subtheme Star Wars / The Clone Wars
Year 2009
Pieces 84
Availability Retired
20007 LEGO Star Wars The Clone Wars Republic Attack Cruiser
Value $44.63
Annual growth 12.9%
Theme / Subtheme Star Wars / The Clone Wars
Year 2009
Pieces / Minifigs 72 / 4
Availability Retired
8014 LEGO Star Wars The Clone Wars Clone Walker Battle Pack
Retail $11.99
Value $100.17
Growth  +735.4%
Annual growth 8.8%
Theme / Subtheme Star Wars / The Clone Wars
Year 2009
Pieces 44
Availability Retired
8033 LEGO Star Wars The Clone Wars General Grievous' Starfighter
Retail $3.99
Value $11.48
Growth  +187.7%
Annual growth 6.7%
Theme / Subtheme Star Wars / The Clone Wars
Year 2009
Pieces / Minifigs 30 / 1
Availability Retired
30006 LEGO Star Wars The Clone Wars Clone Walker
Value $37.04
Annual growth 8.2%
Theme / Subtheme Star Wars / The Clone Wars
Year 2009
Pieces / Minifigs 28 / 1
Availability Retired
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lying through the skies of hostile planets, the Republic LAAT/c (Low Altitude Assault Transport/carrier) Dropship swoops down and deploys the AT-OT (All Terrain Open Transport) troop carrier for attacks on Separatist strongholds. Dropship features an opening cockpit, rotating front and rear cannons, auto-firing missiles and armament bay, and a fold-away handle on top. AT-OT features poseable legs, rotating cannons, crew compartment with weapon racks, and folding cockpit and boarding ramp. Drop ship automatically locks onto walker, then releases it with the push of a switch! Also works with #7675 AT-TE Walker. Includes 2 clone pilots and 6 clone troopers.
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