Set Value (New/Sealed)

This chart represents the current new/sealed value of the set 1:87 Fiat 1800 since June 1965. Medium accuracy
605-3 1:87 Fiat 1800 was a Classic H) 1:87 scale vehicle set released in 1965. It was released in four different colors: blue, light gray, red, white and the rare Black model. It was produced from 1965 until 1968 and only available in continental Europe. It was packaged in a paper cardboard presentation box.

The current value for a new and sealed 1:87 Fiat 1800 is estimated to be around $408 today, with an average annual growth of about 10.5%. However, it is expected to level off to around 7.9% annual growth next year. Current used prices for 1:87 Fiat 1800 range from $194 to $320, depending on the set's condition, with an average price of $198 for those in good overall condition.

For Sale (New/Sealed)

There are currently no new/sealed listings available for 605-3 1:87 Fiat 1800 at this time.

For Sale (Used)

(US) Used - eBay listings for 605-3 1:87 Fiat 1800 ~$197.89
(BE) Used - red fiat ,picture is part of the deal $272.12
(BE) Used - white collor , including cardboard box $334.74
(BE) Used - white collor , including cardboard box $336.00

Contained In Sets

Theme / Subtheme Classic / HO 1:87 Vehicles
Year 1965
Pieces 12
Availability Retired
698-2 LEGO 1:87 12 Cars
Retail $10.00
Value $2,981.33
Growth  +29713.3%
Annual growth 10.1%

Sets in Classic / HO 1:87 Vehicles

Theme / Subtheme Classic / HO 1:87 Vehicles
Year 1964
Pieces 9
Availability Retired
472 LEGO 1:87 Nine Models
Retail $14.00
Value $1,641.71
Growth  +11626.5%
Annual growth 8.1%
Theme / Subtheme Classic / HO 1:87 Vehicles
Year 1965
Pieces 8
Availability Retired
699-2 LEGO 1:87 8 Trucks
Retail $10.00
Value $2,239.26
Growth  +22292.6%
Annual growth 13.7%
Theme / Subtheme Classic / HO 1:87 Vehicles
Year 1966
Pieces 6
Availability Retired
695-2 LEGO 1:87 6 European Cars
Retail $3.95
Value $1,314.29
Growth  +33173.2%
Annual growth 13.0%
Theme / Subtheme Classic / HO 1:87 Vehicles
Year 1966
Pieces 6
Availability Retired
696-2 LEGO 1:87 6 German Cars
Retail $3.95
Value $1,387.94
Growth  +35037.7%
Annual growth 13.1%
Theme / Subtheme Classic / HO 1:87 Vehicles
Year 1966
Pieces 1
Availability Retired
601-3 LEGO 1:87 Morris 1100
Retail $1.65
Value $318.89
Growth  +19226.7%
Annual growth 9.3%
Theme / Subtheme Classic / HO 1:87 Vehicles
Year 1965
Pieces 1
Availability Retired
603-2 LEGO 1:87 CitroEn DS 19
Retail $0.95
Value $807.30
Growth  +84878.9%
Annual growth 11.8%
Theme / Subtheme Classic / HO 1:87 Vehicles
Year 1965
Pieces 1
Availability Retired
607-2 LEGO 1:87 VW Samba Bus
Retail $1.50
Value $267.40
Growth  +17726.7%
Annual growth 9.2%
Theme / Subtheme Classic / HO 1:87 Vehicles
Year 1966
Pieces 1
Availability Retired
649-2 LEGO 1:87 Mercedes Shell Tanker
Retail $2.40
Value $367.45
Growth  +15210.4%
Annual growth 8.9%
Theme / Subtheme Classic / HO 1:87 Vehicles
Year 1964
Pieces 1
Availability Retired
650-2 LEGO 1:87 Mercedes Esso Tanker
Retail $1.35
Value $670.03
Growth  +49531.9%
Annual growth 10.7%
Theme / Subtheme Classic / HO 1:87 Vehicles
Year 1964
Pieces 1
Availability Retired
651-2 LEGO 1:87 Mercedes Truck
Retail $1.35
Value $195.52
Growth  +14383.0%
Annual growth 8.5%
Theme / Subtheme Classic / HO 1:87 Vehicles
Year 1964
Pieces 1
Availability Retired
658-2 LEGO 1:87 VW Van
Retail $0.70
Value $187.60
Growth  +26700.0%
Annual growth 9.0%
Theme / Subtheme Classic / HO 1:87 Vehicles
Year 1964
Pieces 1
Availability Retired
659-2 LEGO 1:87 VW Pickup
Retail $0.95
Value $252.67
Growth  +26496.8%
Annual growth 9.5%
Theme / Subtheme Classic / HO 1:87 Vehicles
Year 1964
Pieces 1
Availability Retired
661-2 LEGO 1:87 VW Beetle
Retail $1.65
Value $426.64
Growth  +25757.0%
Annual growth 9.5%
Theme / Subtheme Classic / HO 1:87 Vehicles
Year 1965
Pieces 1
Availability Retired
662-2 LEGO 1:87 Opel Rekord
Retail $3.00
Value $499.50
Growth  +16550.0%
Annual growth 8.9%
Theme / Subtheme Classic / HO 1:87 Vehicles
Year 1964
Pieces 1
Availability Retired
664-2 LEGO 1:87 Mercedes 220 S
Retail $1.65
Value $447.36
Growth  +27012.7%
Annual growth 9.6%
Theme / Subtheme Classic / HO 1:87 Vehicles
Year 1964
Pieces 1
Availability Retired
665 LEGO 1:87 Karmann Ghia
Retail $1.65
Value $354.96
Growth  +21412.7%
Annual growth 9.4%
Theme / Subtheme Classic / HO 1:87 Vehicles
Year 1964
Pieces 1
Availability Retired
666 LEGO 1:87 Mercedes Sport
Retail $1.65
Value $547.15
Growth  +33060.6%
Annual growth 10.0%
Theme / Subtheme Classic / HO 1:87 Vehicles
Year 1964
Pieces 1
Availability Retired
667 LEGO 1:87 VW 1500
Retail $1.65
Value $538.85
Growth  +32557.6%
Annual growth 10.0%
Theme / Subtheme Classic / HO 1:87 Vehicles
Year 1964
Pieces 1
Availability Retired
668 LEGO 1:87 Ford Taunus 17M
Retail $1.65
Value $405.34
Growth  +24466.1%
Annual growth 9.4%
Theme / Subtheme Classic / HO 1:87 Vehicles
Year 1964
Pieces 1
Availability Retired
670-3 LEGO 1:87 Jaguar E-Type with Garage
Retail $2.00
Value $518.47
Growth  +25823.5%
Annual growth 8.3%
Theme / Subtheme Classic / HO 1:87 Vehicles
Year 1964
Pieces 1
Availability Retired
671-3 LEGO 1:87 Vauxhall Victor Estate with Garage
Retail $2.00
Value $406.95
Growth  +20247.5%
Annual growth 7.9%
Theme / Subtheme Classic / HO 1:87 Vehicles
Year 1964
Availability Retired
652 LEGO 1:87 Mercedes Truck/Trailer
Retail $2.80
Value $197.39
Growth  +6949.6%
Annual growth 6.0%
Theme / Subtheme Classic / HO 1:87 Vehicles
Year 1964
Availability Retired
653-2 LEGO 1:87 Mercedes Flatbed Truck
Retail $2.80
Value $306.28
Growth  +10838.6%
Annual growth 7.4%
Theme / Subtheme Classic / HO 1:87 Vehicles
Year 1964
Availability Retired
654-2 LEGO 1:87 Mercedes Flatbed Truck/Trailer
Retail $2.65
Value $307.35
Growth  +11498.1%
Annual growth 6.0%
Theme / Subtheme Classic / HO 1:87 Vehicles
Year 1964
Availability Retired
655-2 LEGO 1:87 Mercedes Fire Truck
Retail $1.75
Value $333.88
Growth  +18978.9%
Annual growth 9.1%