Steve's LEGO Blog
“This castle is on a raised baseplate, yet if compared to some of its competitors it looks like it falls slightly short, with no portcullis, drawbridge, turrets, and with the build simply placed on top of the plate rather than incorporated into it, you are forgiven for being... More less than impressed.”
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“The Fire Breathing Fortress is built on a raised baseplate. There is an uphill path which leads to a double door. The doors can open and close. Over it is a dragon-painted arch. The castle area centres around a pit. The Fire Breathing Fortress comes with 6 Minifigures.... More Majisto is blue and wears a blue wizard hat and cloak.”
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“Fire Breathing Fortress, released in 1993, was the castle for the Dragon Masters. This rocky fortress has a cave for the dragon, a jail, a wizard’s tower, a trap door, a secret entrance, and a dragon that drops rocks on invaders trying to reach the castle doors. The set... More includes a Wolfpack prisoner, one knight, a swordsman, an archer, a crossbowman, a wizard, the dragon, and various accessories.”
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