Rapid River Village Reviews
“The future of sets focused on Indians seems pretty bleak. I've been lead to believe that this subtheme wasn't terribly popular when it was first released, and it seems as though there might be too much controversy for TLC to be able to do something similar again. I am... More extremely pleased with my purchase of the Rapid River Village and think that it's a wonderful set.”
BrickEconomy Member Review
“The Rapid River Village set delivers an impressive and immersive play experience with its large village design, organic build, and charming details. While the build starts off simple, it comes together beautifully, especially with standout features like fabric teepees and a unique river baseplate. Despite the use of some basic building techniques and controversial parts, the set offers great playability with its imaginative elements and numerous traps. The minifigures are particularly noteworthy, adding extra value to an already excellent set.... More Overall, it's a fantastic set that remains a standout.”
Subtheme Analysis
Annual growth
+7.46% (this set +4.99%)
This set's annual growth (CAGR) vs. subtheme
Community Stats
Rapid River Village currently ranks #7 out of the top most owned sets in Western Indians.
About Western Indians

The LEGO Indians subtheme became a major part of the Western theme during the second year of release. Most the eight Indian sets included teepee's and native American minifigures. None of the sets features interactions from the Indians to other Western characters such as the cowboys.
Indians consists of 8 sets that ran from 1997 to 2002. As of today,
6766 Rapid River Village is the most valuable Indians set with an estimated new/factory sealed value of $611.
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You control the secret cave, the watchtower, and tree trunks that fall at your command. Push one gray brick to the right and a trapdoor drops intruders into the secret cave! Push another gray brick back and drop logs through a second trap door. Includes two teepees, a canoe, campfires, totem pole, two horses, seven figures, and two hollow tree trunks to hide in.
Description provided by LEGO©