The LEGO Marvel Super Heroes "What If...?" subtheme, released in 2021, ties into the Disney+ animated series. The notable sets include 76194 "Tony Stark’s Sakaarian Iron Man," which features minifigures of Tony Stark, Valkyrie, and The Watcher, and can transform into a large mech or a race car. Another set is 76201 "Captain Carter & The Hydra Stomper," featuring minifigures of Captain Carter, Steve Rogers in the Hydra Stomper mech, and the Red Skull. These sets reflect the alternate realities explored in the series, bringing unique versions of beloved characters to LEGO form.
Marvel Super Heroes What If? Tony Stark's Sakaarian Iron Man set 76194 was released on August 2, 2021, retailing for $35, it has since been retired. New, unopened sets are valued at $38, used ones can be found for $22.
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