The LEGO Star Wars Planet Set subtheme consists of 12 minifigs that were released from 2012 to 2013 and based 12 sets. On average, these minifigs have an annual growth rate of 4.7%.
Most valuable Star Wars Planet Set minifig
Rebel Pilot B-wing (sw0455) $18.08
Highest growth Planet Set minifig
Sebulba (sw0326) +219.75%
Most owned Star Wars Planet Set minifig
Clone Trooper (sw0442)
Set with the most Star Wars Planet Set minifigs
9674 Naboo Starfighter & Naboo 1 minifig
The Planet Set subtheme features minifigures and miniature models of iconic Star Wars planets like Tatooine, Hoth, and Endor. Each set includes a displayable planet sphere and a small vehicle or scene, highlighting key locations from the Star Wars saga.
Minifig number sw0458
Snowspeeder pilot with a white helmet
Value $11.30
Growth  +61.4%
Annual growth 4.4%
Minifig number sw0457
Value $10.14
Growth  +56.7%
Annual growth 4.0%
Minifig number sw0456
Value $10.92
Growth  +83.8%
Annual growth 5.4%
Minifig number sw0455
Rebel pilot with a B-wing helmet in reddish brown
Value $18.08
Growth  +191.6%
Annual growth 10.7%
Minifig number sw0442
Value $9.52
Growth  +90.0%
Annual growth 5.6%
Minifig number sw0427
Rebel Fleet Trooper with a grin
Value $6.61
Growth  +88.9%
Annual growth 5.4%
Minifig number sw0401
Imperial AT-ST driver with a plain helmet
Value $7.97
Growth  +50.7%
Annual growth 3.4%
Minifig number sw0400
Lobot with light nougat skin and black eyebrows
Value $6.24
Growth  +124.5%
Annual growth 6.9%
Minifig number sw0399
Value $6.68
Growth  +90.9%
Annual growth 5.5%
Minifig number sw0340
Naboo fighter pilot wearing a red jumpsuit
Value $4.69
Growth  +8.1%
Annual growth 2.4%
Minifig number sw0326
Sebulba minifigure with movable arms
Value $10.20
Growth  +219.7%
Annual growth 9.2%
Minifig number sw0268a
TIE fighter pilot with a patterned head
Value $6.97
Growth  +82.0%
Annual growth 4.9%