Set Value (New/Sealed)

This chart represents the current new/sealed value of the set Railroad Crossing Gate since June 1969. Medium accuracy
LEGO 158 Railroad Crossing Gate was a 9 piece Trains set released in 1969. The current value for a new and sealed Railroad Crossing Gate is estimated at $82 with an average yearly gain of about 5%. The current used prices for Railroad Crossing Gate can be found in the range of $9 and $12 depending on the set's condition, with an average price of $10 if it is in good overall condition.
Railroad Crossing Gate is an extremely old and very rare LEGO set. We have not seen set 158-1 currently for sale online or in the hundreds of retail stores in good/new condition in over 859 days. Because of the rarity of this hard to find set the current estimated value of $82.25 might actually be much lower than the true value, assuming this set can be found for sale.Because Railroad Crossing Gate is a very old set from 1969, finding it in a sealed and good condition might be difficult thus making the true value even that much higher.

Sets in Trains / 4.5V

Theme / Subtheme Trains / 4.5V
Year 1969
Pieces 575
Availability Retired
127 LEGO Complete Train with 3 Wagons
Retail $8.99
Value $1,088.20
Growth  +12004.6%
Annual growth 9.1%
Theme / Subtheme Trains / 4.5V
Year 1969
Pieces 451
Availability Retired
118-3 LEGO Sears Motorized Freight or Passenger Train
Retail $19.99
Value $1,702.30
Growth  +8415.8%
Annual growth 8.4%
Theme / Subtheme Trains / 4.5V
Year 1969
Pieces 175
Availability Retired
120 LEGO Complete Freight Train Set with Tipper Trucks
Retail $14.00
Value $931.33
Growth  +6552.4%
Annual growth 7.9%
Theme / Subtheme Trains / 4.5V
Year 1969
Pieces 111
Availability Retired
138 LEGO Electronic Train
Retail $26.50
Value $2,032.12
Growth  +7568.4%
Annual growth 8.2%
Theme / Subtheme Trains / 4.5V
Year 1969
Pieces 102
Availability Retired
122 LEGO Trains Loco and Tender
Retail $9.50
Value $1,410.31
Growth  +14745.4%
Annual growth 6.8%
Theme / Subtheme Trains / 4.5V
Year 1969
Pieces 98
Availability Retired
123 LEGO Trains Passenger Coach
Retail $2.75
Value $328.66
Growth  +11851.3%
Annual growth 9.1%
Theme / Subtheme Trains / 4.5V
Year 1969
Pieces 56
Availability Retired
124 LEGO Trains Goods Wagon
Retail $2.75
Value $384.59
Growth  +13885.1%
Annual growth 8.9%
Theme / Subtheme Trains / 4.5V
Year 1969
Pieces 20
Availability Retired
125 LEGO Trains Tipping Wagon
Retail $1.50
Value $89.21
Growth  +5847.3%
Annual growth 7.7%
Theme / Subtheme Trains / 4.5V
Year 1969
Pieces 13
Availability Retired
139 LEGO Trains Electronic Control Unit Forward, Backward and Stop
Value $1,514.83
Theme / Subtheme Trains / 4.5V
Year 1969
Pieces 7
Availability Retired
157-2 LEGO Trains Automatic Direction Changer
Value $36.29
Theme / Subtheme Trains / 4.5V
Year 1969
Availability Retired
101 LEGO Trains 4.5V Battery Case
Retail $1.50
Value $42.32
Growth  +2721.3%
Annual growth 3.9%
Theme / Subtheme Trains / 4.5V
Year 1969
Availability Retired
139A LEGO Trains Electronic Control Unit Forward and Stop
Value $321.19