Pirates consists of 85 sets that ran from 1989 to 2015. Most sets were released in 1994 which accounted for 13 sets. As of today, the average annual growth of sets in Pirates is approximately 8.2% per year.
Most valuable LEGO Pirates set
6286 Skull's Eye Schooner $6,963.28
Highest growth Pirates set
1696 Pirate Lookout +7631.16%
Largest LEGO Pirates set
10210 Imperial Flagship 1,664 pieces
Most owned Pirates set
6270 Forbidden Island
Pirates was a LEGO theme introduced in 1989, running until 1997 and focused on the classic idea of Caribbean pirates that were pitted against soldiers of colonial empires. As the series progressed through the years, more factions were introduced and the older ones were phased out of production. The Pirates were one of the first two original factions in the theme to be introduced.

Imperial Guards
Imperial Guards was a Pirates subtheme introduced in 1989 that eventually replaced the Imperial Soldiers as main adversaries of the pirates. Some of the older Imperial Soldiers' sets that were still in production were re-categorized as part of the Imperial Guards faction until their discontinuation in 1995.

Imperial Armada
Imperial Armada was a subtheme of Pirates that was introduced in 1996 and only had 3 sets that lasted one year. The Armada replaced the Imperial Guards as adversaries of the pirates. Imperial Armada minifigures were based on the Spanish conquistadors and the Spanish Navy of the 16th and 17th century.

The Islanders was a subthem of Pirates released in 1994, and briefly brought back in 2001. The Islanders were loosely based on natives of the Pacific islands based on their Enchanted Island, and introduced a third faction into the theme during the Imperial Guards subthem timeline. The Islanders were considered to be neutral, but were known to have pirate and Imperial prisoners. All Islanders sets were released during 1994, but only one set, Enchanted Island, was re-released in 2001.
Theme Pirates
Year 2015
Pieces / Minifigs 857 / 20
Availability Retired
40158 LEGO Pirates Chess Set
Retail $59.99
Value $110.00
Growth  +83.4%
Annual growth 5.5%
Theme Pirates
Year 2015
Pieces / Minifigs 745 / 7
Availability Retired
70413 LEGO Pirates The Brick Bounty
Retail $99.99
Value $283.66
Growth  +183.7%
Annual growth 6.9%
Theme Pirates
Year 2015
Pieces / Minifigs 234 / 5
Availability Retired
70412 LEGO Pirates Soldiers Fort
Retail $29.99
Value $139.77
Growth  +366.1%
Annual growth 8.6%
Theme Pirates
Year 2015
Pieces / Minifigs 181 / 3
Availability Retired
70411 LEGO Pirates Treasure Island
Retail $19.99
Value $99.21
Growth  +396.3%
Annual growth 8.6%
Theme Pirates
Year 2015
Pieces / Minifigs 164 / 3
Availability Retired
70410 LEGO Pirates Soldiers Outpost
Retail $19.99
Value $88.06
Growth  +340.5%
Annual growth 13.0%
Theme Pirates
Year 2015
Pieces / Minifigs 84 / 2
Availability Retired
70409 LEGO Pirates Shipwreck Defence
Retail $12.99
Value $47.64
Growth  +266.7%
Annual growth 10.2%
Theme / Subtheme Pirates / Classic
Year 2015
Pieces / Minifigs 24 / 1
Availability Retired
5003082 LEGO Classic Pirate Minifigure
Retail $4.99
Value $19.99
Growth  +300.6%
Annual growth 9.8%
Theme Pirates
Year 2013
Pieces / Minifigs 39 / 4
Availability Retired
850839 LEGO Classic Pirate Set
Retail $14.99
Value $81.49
Growth  +443.6%
Annual growth 11.5%
Theme Pirates
Year 2010
Pieces / Minifigs 1,664 / 9
Availability Retired
10210 LEGO Pirates Imperial Flagship
Retail $179.99
Value $1,440.21
Growth  +700.2%
Annual growth 7.7%
Theme Pirates
Year 2009
Pieces / Minifigs 592 / 8
Availability Retired
6243 LEGO Pirates Brickbeard's Bounty
Retail $99.99
Value $360.71
Growth  +260.7%
Annual growth 9.8%
Theme Pirates
Year 2009
Pieces / Minifigs 367 / 6
Availability Retired
6242 LEGO Pirates Soldiers' Fort
Retail $49.99
Value $349.28
Growth  +598.7%
Annual growth 9.8%
Theme Pirates
Year 2009
Pieces / Minifigs 310 / 6
Availability Retired
6253 LEGO Pirates Shipwreck Hideout
Retail $39.99
Value $218.93
Growth  +447.5%
Annual growth 8.4%
Theme / Subtheme Pirates / Seasonal
Year 2009
Pieces / Minifigs 148 / 8
Availability Retired
6299 LEGO Pirates Advent Calendar
Retail $19.99
Value $100.00
Growth  +400.3%
Annual growth 7.3%
Theme Pirates
Year 2009
Pieces / Minifigs 142 / 3
Availability Retired
6241 LEGO Pirates Loot Island
Retail $19.99
Value $111.95
Growth  +460.0%
Annual growth 6.8%
Theme / Subtheme Pirates / Value Packs
Year 2009
Pieces 123
Availability Retired
66309 LEGO Pirates Co Pack
Retail $14.99
Value $100.40
Growth  +569.8%
Annual growth 10.2%
Theme Pirates
Year 2009
Pieces / Minifigs 78 / 2
Availability Retired
6240 LEGO Pirates Kraken Attackin'
Retail $9.99
Value $44.79
Growth  +348.3%
Annual growth 8.2%
Theme Pirates
Year 2009
Pieces / Minifigs 45 / 4
Availability Retired
6239 LEGO Pirates Cannon Battle
Retail $5.99
Value $32.58
Growth  +443.9%
Annual growth 9.1%
Theme / Subtheme Pirates / Accessories
Year 2009
Pieces / Minifigs 37 / 4
Availability Retired
852747 LEGO Pirates Battle Pack
Retail $14.99
Value $102.90
Growth  +586.5%
Annual growth 10.5%
Theme Pirates
Year 2009
Pieces / Minifigs 17 / 1
Availability Retired
8396 LEGO Pirates Soldier's Arsenal
Retail $3.49
Value $19.05
Growth  +445.8%
Annual growth 8.8%
Theme Pirates
Year 2009
Pieces / Minifigs 16 / 1
Availability Retired
8397 LEGO Pirate Survival
Retail $3.49
Value $18.65
Growth  +434.4%
Annual growth 6.9%
Theme Pirates
Year 2002
Pieces / Minifigs 906 / 8
Availability Retired
10040 LEGO Pirates Black Seas Barracuda
Retail $89.99
Value $1,509.30
Growth  +1577.2%
Annual growth 8.5%
Theme Pirates
Year 2001
Pieces / Minifigs 698 / 7
Availability Retired
6290 LEGO Pirates Red Beard Runner
Retail $99.99
Value $630.34
Growth  +530.4%
Annual growth 7.9%
Theme / Subtheme Pirates / Islanders
Year 2001
Pieces / Minifigs 419 / 7
Availability Retired
6292 LEGO Pirates Islanders Enchanted Island
Retail $69.99
Value $1,091.62
Growth  +1459.7%
Annual growth 10.6%
Theme Pirates
Year 2001
Pieces / Minifigs 280 / 3
Availability Retired
6291 LEGO Pirates Armada Flagship
Retail $49.99
Value $601.81
Growth  +1103.9%
Annual growth 8.1%
Theme Pirates
Year 1997
Pieces / Minifigs 395 / 6
Availability Retired
6281 LEGO Pirates Perilous Pitfall
Retail $73.00
Value $1,301.19
Growth  +1682.5%
Annual growth 10.4%
Theme Pirates
Year 1997
Pieces / Minifigs 156 / 3
Availability Retired
6249 LEGO Pirates Ambush
Retail $21.99
Value $326.57
Growth  +1385.1%
Annual growth 7.3%
Theme Pirates
Year 1997
Pieces / Minifigs 154 / 3
Availability Retired
6250 LEGO Pirates Cross Bone Clipper
Retail $32.99
Value $854.04
Growth  +2488.8%
Annual growth 9.8%
Theme / Subtheme Pirates / Accessories
Year 1997
Pieces / Minifigs 36 / 5
Availability Retired
6204 LEGO Pirates Buccaneers
Retail $6.75
Value $263.04
Growth  +3796.9%
Annual growth 10.5%
Theme Pirates
Year 1996
Pieces / Minifigs 703 / 7
Availability Retired
6289 LEGO Pirates Red Beard Runner
Retail $99.00
Value $825.00
Growth  +733.3%
Annual growth 4.2%
Theme / Subtheme Pirates / Imperial Armada
Year 1996
Pieces / Minifigs 284 / 3
Availability Retired
6280 LEGO Pirates Imperial Armada Armada Flagship
Retail $49.99
Value $661.16
Growth  +1222.6%
Annual growth 9.5%
Theme Pirates
Year 1996
Pieces / Minifigs 216 / 4
Availability Retired
6296 LEGO Pirates Shipwreck Island
Retail $29.75
Value $368.67
Growth  +1139.2%
Annual growth 9.3%
Theme Pirates
Year 1996
Pieces / Minifigs 119 / 2
Availability Retired
6248 LEGO Pirates Volcano Island
Retail $11.99
Value $167.77
Growth  +1299.2%
Annual growth 8.5%
Theme / Subtheme Pirates / Imperial Armada
Year 1996
Pieces / Minifigs 71 / 1
Availability Retired
6244 LEGO Pirates Imperial Armada Sentry
Retail $8.75
Value $146.03
Growth  +1568.9%
Annual growth 8.7%
Theme / Subtheme Pirates / Imperial Armada
Year 1996
Pieces / Minifigs 28 / 2
Availability Retired
6232 LEGO Pirates Imperial Armada Skeleton Crew
Retail $2.99
Value $80.53
Growth  +2593.3%
Annual growth 10.3%
Theme Pirates
Year 1996
Pieces / Minifigs 22 / 1
Availability Retired
1747 LEGO Pirates Treasure Surprise
Retail $1.99
Value $33.55
Growth  +1585.9%
Annual growth 8.1%
Theme Pirates
Year 1996
Pieces / Minifigs 22 / 1
Availability Retired
1802 LEGO Pirates Tidy Treasure
Retail $1.99
Value $52.64
Growth  +2545.2%
Annual growth 6.9%
Theme Pirates
Year 1995
Pieces / Minifigs 378 / 6
Availability Retired
6279 LEGO Pirates Skull Island
Retail $53.00
Value $808.33
Growth  +1425.2%
Annual growth 9.7%
Theme / Subtheme Pirates / Imperial Guards
Year 1995
Pieces / Minifigs 216 / 4
Availability Retired
6263 LEGO Pirates Imperial Guards Imperial Outpost
Retail $27.50
Value $402.89
Growth  +1365.1%
Annual growth 7.5%
Theme Pirates
Year 1995
Pieces / Minifigs 159 / 4
Availability Retired
1788 LEGO Pirates Treasure Chest
Retail $21.99
Value $1,192.88
Growth  +5324.6%
Annual growth 14.8%
Theme Pirates
Year 1995
Pieces / Minifigs 103 / 3
Availability Retired
6254 LEGO Pirates Rocky Reef
Retail $14.99
Value $192.38
Growth  +1183.4%
Annual growth 7.6%
Theme / Subtheme Pirates / Islanders
Year 1994
Pieces / Minifigs 428 / 7
Availability Retired
6278 LEGO Pirates Islanders Enchanted Island
Retail $66.00
Value $1,120.63
Growth  +1597.9%
Annual growth 8.6%
Theme / Subtheme Pirates / Islanders
Year 1994
Pieces / Minifigs 214 / 4
Availability Retired
6264 LEGO Pirates Islanders Forbidden Cove
Retail $29.75
Value $427.58
Growth  +1337.2%
Annual growth 8.5%
Theme / Subtheme Pirates / Islanders
Year 1994
Pieces / Minifigs 146 / 5
Availability Retired
6262 LEGO Pirates Islanders King Kahuka's Throne
Retail $20.99
Value $308.79
Growth  +1371.1%
Annual growth 7.7%
Theme / Subtheme Pirates / Value Packs
Year 1994
Pieces 89
Availability Retired
1729 LEGO Pirates Barnacle Bay Value Pack
Retail $12.99
Value $436.67
Growth  +3261.6%
Annual growth 12.0%
Theme / Subtheme Pirates / Islanders
Year 1994
Pieces / Minifigs 63 / 2
Availability Retired
6256 LEGO Pirates Islander Catamaran
Retail $11.99
Value $200.00
Growth  +1568.1%
Annual growth 9.2%
Theme / Subtheme Pirates / Islanders
Year 1994
Pieces / Minifigs 59 / 2
Availability Retired
6246 LEGO Pirates Islanders Crocodile Cage
Retail $7.25
Value $119.99
Growth  +1555.0%
Annual growth 7.6%
Theme Pirates
Year 1994
Pieces / Minifigs 45 / 1
Availability Retired
1873 LEGO Pirates Treasure
Retail $5.99
Value $52.98
Growth  +784.5%
Annual growth 7.5%
Theme / Subtheme Pirates / Islanders
Year 1994
Pieces / Minifigs 45 / 1
Availability Retired
6236 LEGO Pirates Islanders King Kahuka
Retail $3.99
Value $83.13
Growth  +1983.5%
Annual growth 9.5%
Theme / Subtheme Pirates / Imperial Guards
Year 1994
Pieces / Minifigs 36 / 1
Availability Retired
1795 LEGO Pirates Imperial Guards Imperial Cannon
Retail $5.49
Value $92.87
Growth  +1591.6%
Annual growth 9.9%
Theme Pirates
Year 1994
Pieces / Minifigs 28 / 2
Availability Retired
1872 LEGO Pirates Soldiers Forge
Retail $3.99
Value $64.17
Growth  +1508.3%
Annual growth 9.7%