Minifig number post007
Minifigure wearing a white envelope and stripe costume with black legs, a red cap, and silver sunglasses
Buy this Minifig at
Value $4.04
Growth +81.2%
Annual growth 3.6%
Minifig number post006
Post Office White Envelope and Stripe, Black Legs, Red Cap, Beard and Glasses
Buy this Minifig at
Value $3.93
Growth +97.5%
Annual growth 4.1%
Minifig number cty0801
Female cargo office worker with dark orange short swept sideways hairstyle, wearing an orange safety vest with reflective stripes, glasses, and dark tan legs
Buy this Minifig at
Value $3.50
Growth +15.5%
Annual growth 1.9%
Minifig number cty0800
Truck driver with a blue jacket over a dark red V-neck sweater, dark bluish gray legs, and a red cap
Buy this Minifig at
Value $3.01
Growth +5.6%
Annual growth 3.5%
Minifig number cty0799
Cargo center worker with a brown moustache and goatee, wearing an orange zipper, safety stripes, belt, brown shirt, black legs, red construction helmet, and headphones
Buy this Minifig at
Value $3.61
Growth +13.5%
Annual growth 1.7%
Minifig number cty0798
Cargo center worker with chest pocket zippers, wearing a belt over a dark gray hoodie, dark blue legs, reddish brown hair, and peach lips
Buy this Minifig at
Value $2.74
Growth +26.9%
Annual growth 3.2%
Minifig number cty0422
Cargo worker in blue overalls with tools in pocket, red cap with hole, wearing headphones and safety goggles
Buy this Minifig at
Value $3.58
Growth +24.7%
Annual growth 1.9%
Minifig number cty0421
Cargo worker with blue overalls containing tools, wearing a red cap with a hole and headphones
Buy this Minifig at
Value $3.44
Growth +12.8%
Annual growth 1.1%
Minifig number cty0420
Minifigure with blue jacket with pockets and orange stripes, blue legs, red cap with hole, and headphones
Buy this Minifig at
Value $4.06
Growth +6.8%
Annual growth 4.9%
Minifig number cty0419
Female minifigure with reddish brown hair over shoulder, wearing a dark bluish gray jacket with magenta scarf, and light bluish gray legs, showing red lips
Buy this Minifig at
Value $4.70
Growth +59.9%
Annual growth 4.2%
Minifig number cty0405
Minifigure wearing a flannel shirt with pocket and belt, dark brown legs, red cap with hole, headphones, and orange sunglasses
Buy this Minifig at
Value $2.81
Growth +4.9%
Annual growth 2.7%
Minifig number cty0404
Minifigure wearing a flannel shirt with a pocket and belt, dark tan legs, a red cap with a hole, and headphones, with a beard
Buy this Minifig at
Value $4.33
Growth +112.3%
Annual growth 6.8%
Minifig number cty0403
Pilot in an airport setting, wearing a white shirt with dark green tie and belt, black legs, and a black hat
Buy this Minifig at
Value $4.00
Growth +18.0%
Annual growth 1.5%
Minifig number cty0402
Minifigure wearing blue overalls with tools, a red short bill cap, eyelashes, and red lips
Buy this Minifig at
Value $2.21
Growth +8.3%
Annual growth 3.0%
Minifig number cty0401
Minifigure wearing blue jacket with pockets and orange stripes, blue legs, blue cap with hole, headphones, and safety goggles
Buy this Minifig at
Value $2.41
Growth +10.6%
Annual growth 3.6%
Minifig number cty0134a
Farm hand wearing blue overalls and a short bill cap
Buy this Minifig at
Value $2.85
Growth +19.2%
Annual growth 1.1%
Minifig number cty0104
Minifigure with blue overalls with tools, red construction helmet, smirk, and stubble beard
Buy this Minifig at
Value $2.67
Growth +34.2%
Annual growth 1.7%
Minifig number cty0103
Minifigure with a plaid button shirt, reddish brown male hair, silver sunglasses, and dark bluish gray legs
Buy this Minifig at
Value $1.95
Growth +1.0%
Annual growth 1.0%
Minifig number cty0054
Minifigure with orange arms, wearing a orange zipper with safety stripes, blue legs, a blue cap, sporting a smirk and stubble beard
Buy this Minifig at
Value $3.97
Growth +97.5%
Annual growth 4.1%
Minifig number cty0053
Ground crew member with orange zipper and arms, safety stripes, blue legs, cap, and glasses
Buy this Minifig at
Value $4.11
Growth +67.8%
Annual growth 3.1%
Minifig number air039
Minifigure wearing a blue 3-button jacket with tie, blue hat, dark bluish gray legs, and vertical cheek lines
Buy this Minifig at
Value $3.46
Growth +15.3%
Annual growth 5.2%