The LEGO Duplo Sofia the First theme, based on the popular Disney Junior series, was introduced in 2015. Key sets include "Sofia the First Royal Stable" (10594), which features a stable, horse, and Sofia figure for imaginative play; "Sofia the First Royal Castle" (10595), a large castle set with multiple rooms, a Sofia figure, and various accessories to recreate scenes from the show; and "Sofia the First Magical Carriage" (10822), which includes a carriage, Sofia figure, and animal friends, designed to inspire storytelling and role-play. These sets aimed to capture the charm of the series and engage young children in creative play.
The LEGO DUPLO theme is designed for children ages 1 to 5. It features DUPLO figures which are much larger than minifigures and DUPLO blocks which are about twice the length, width, and height of a standard System brick.