The LEGO Disney Princess Palace Pets theme consists of LEGO sets centered around the pets of various Disney Princesses, inspired by the Disney franchise Palace Pets. These sets feature animal characters associated with specific princesses, such as a cat for Cinderella or a tiger for Jasmine, often adorned with accessories and set in themed locations.
Theme / Subtheme Disney / Palace Pets
Year 2017
Pieces 75
Availability Retired
41144 LEGO Disney Palace Pets Petite's Royal Stable
Retail $9.99
Value $14.99
Growth  +50.1%
Annual growth 5.9%
Theme / Subtheme Disney / Palace Pets
Year 2017
Pieces 61
Availability Retired
41143 LEGO Disney Palace Pets Berry's Kitchen
Retail $5.99
Value $8.95
Growth  +49.4%
Annual growth 3.6%