The LEGO Friends theme includes several Dog Show sets, focusing on various activities and competitions involving the Friends characters' pets. The 41300 Puppy Championship set, released in 2017, features a podium, obstacle course, and accessories like trophies and flags, along with a mini-doll figure and puppies. The 41301 Puppy Parade set includes a decorated car and trailer for transporting puppies, a grooming area, and a mini-doll figure. The 41304 Puppy Treats & Tricks set comes with a stage for puppy performances, training accessories, and a mini-doll figure. Lastly, the 41303 Puppy Playground set features a slide, spinning carousel, and various play equipment for the puppies, along with a mini-doll figure. These sets provide a comprehensive and playful dog show experience, encouraging imaginative play centered on pet care and competition.
LEGO Friends sets are designed to appeal to girls and were introduced in 2012. The Friends theme includes mini-doll figures, which are around the same size as minifigures but are more realistic. LEGO Friends pieces are fully compatible with all LEGO System bricks and sets include pieces in pink and purple color schemes and depict scenes from suburban life set in the fictional town of Heartlake City.