Mini-doll figure number frnd258
Stephanie from Friends theme with a dark blue layered skirt, a medium azure and dark purple vest, and black roller skates
Buy this Mini-doll figure at
Value $1.06
Mini-doll figure number frnd235
Olivia from Friends theme wearing a bright light yellow skirt and a dark pink top
Buy this Mini-doll figure at
Value $1.71
Growth +64.4%
Annual growth 7.7%
Mini-doll figure number frnd193
Naomi wearing dark purple shorts and a lime halter top with dark green dots
Buy this Mini-doll figure at
Value $2.50
Growth +3.3%
Annual growth 2.7%
Mini-doll figure number frnd106
Stephanie from Friends theme wearing a bright pink top, dark purple skirt, and orange roller skates
Buy this Mini-doll figure at
Value $3.16
Growth +9.0%
Annual growth 1.8%
Mini-doll figure number frnd105
Olivia from Friends wearing dark blue cropped trousers, a magenta top, and a magenta bow
Buy this Mini-doll figure at
Value $2.24
Growth +4.7%
Annual growth 1.0%
Mini-doll figure number frnd095
Emma wearing a white plaid button shirt with a sand green skirt and a bow
Buy this Mini-doll figure at
Value $3.15
Growth +58.3%
Annual growth 4.8%
Mini-doll figure number frnd090
Emma from Friends theme, wearing a lavender top with flowers and a bright light blue skirt
Buy this Mini-doll figure at
Value $2.50
Growth +2.0%
Annual growth 0.2%
Mini-doll figure number frnd070
Emma from Friends theme wearing a white top with pink flowers and a bright light blue skirt
Buy this Mini-doll figure at
Value $2.25
Growth +5.1%
Annual growth 4.5%
Mini-doll figure number frnd065
Stephanie from Friends theme wearing a sand green top and magenta layered skirt
Buy this Mini-doll figure at
Value $2.68
Growth +13.1%
Annual growth 1.1%
Mini-doll figure number frnd014
Andrea from Friends theme, wearing a bright light orange top with music notes and a light aqua layered skirt
Buy this Mini-doll figure at
Value $2.43
Growth +9.5%
Annual growth 2.9%
Mini-doll figure number frnd011
Emma from Friends theme with a lavender top and a dark blue layered skirt
Buy this Mini-doll figure at
Value $2.25
Growth +1.8%
Annual growth 1.9%